Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Kingdom of Heaven is Like a Race Through the House

My precious little princess (aka Greta) has many enjoyments, even at the mature age of 2. One of them is singing. Another is racing. With two older brothers to try and catch all the time, as soon as she could walk, she began to run and still loves it. One of her greatest events is to stand at one one end of the living room and say, "Say 3, 2, 1, go!" When we do so either counting down or up, she begins what I can only describe as pure joy on feet. It's a flat out run, with laughter and smiles all the way. As soon as she reaches the other end, she's ready to start her next race. It is so exciting just to watch her. But sometimes, she takes it to the next step. "Daddy, run with me" or "Chase me" or just a twinkle in her eye, a smile on her face, a giggle and a flip of her hair and she's off with someone on her heals amid squeals of delight.

The apostle Paul likens the Christian life to being in race with a great prize at the end. I can easily identify with his words. But I'm not sure I accept what many people say about this verse - that the Christian life is full of nothing but hardship and trials and constant striving. My Jesus tells me to come and take His yoke upon myself for HIS YOKE IS EASY and HIS BURDEN IS LIGHT. A burden? Yes. But one that, with Him, is easily carried? Yes. Our problem is when we try and take the whole yoke on ourselves. That is a miserable Christian life.

One of my favorite songs of late is by the group the Eason Trio. The song is entitled "Enjoy the Journey." "Enjoy the journey. Rest in God's love. Give Him glory. Be strong and stand up. For He has given a life worth living. So until eternity, enjoy the journey."

Can't you see Him standing there, that twinkle in His eye, that smile on His face, His voice calling, "Come on, run with me."


Blogger Deb said...

i think God made joy for us to enjoy. :)

However, i am not so convinced God's yoke is easy and His burden is light. As they do seem rather cumbersome to me.

On the other hand...the actual race (when i am doing things right and making the right choices and things are falling into place) is FUN and easy and light.

So basically i am saying here...the yoke is easy and light when things are going my way.

Hmmmm...nothing wrong there eh? Gonna need to make some adjustments to my line of thought on THIS topic. Eeeek

5:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karl, I agree with you 100%. I believe that the life with Jesus (or race) is not a burden but a life of Joy, Peace, and Security. I don't believe you have to have trouble to know that you are walking with the Lord. Just the opposite is ture in my mind. A life of Joy and Peace is yours if you walk with Jesus. Keep up the good work Karl.
Anita Wyckoff

8:27 AM

Blogger Trailady said...

I can just picture your little girl running around. Cute! Many struggles come to my life, but underneath the chaos I have peace & hope inside. God wants us to live joyfully & victoriously! I'm experiencing it every day! God is the love, comfort, healing and salvation we need. We can have the joy of the kingdom in our hearts today, so it doesn't feel like a far away prize off in the distance anymore. God IS good! :o)

2:27 PM


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