Saturday, January 14, 2006

The Kingdom of Heaven is Like a Card Party

Today we had our second annual card/letter party at our house after Sabbath School and Church. It is a time to join together to minister to those in need in the local or larger community through words of encouragement. There is so much to learn about God's Kingdom in this time of ministry. Class, age and education boundaries desolve. Some look up Bible verses. Some draw pictures. Some write messages. Tools include markers, crayons, pens, pencils, sissors, glue, glitter, etc. The only commonality is the love and caring in the hearts of those particpating. Some (mostly the men it seems) are so worn out from the cares of the week that they are enjoying the bright sunshine, blue sky, singing birds and unseasonably warm temperatures here in the Ozarks by "actively resting."And I, well, I'm typing about it to tell you, then I will be helping where needed.

What a great example of the Kingdom of Heaven, as shown in His people on earth. The Kingdom of Heaven isn't some mystical, prophetic future time of universal change, it can truly be seen here and now. The Kingdom of Heaven can be within you. If we spent more time working together toward the common goal of showing God's love to others, we'd spend alot less time looking at each other and noticing the flaws. As in the card/letter party, many tools are available for our use from God. He has counted His resources and found He is not wanting. Like the people making the cards, all the tools are equal. No one gift or talent is any more important than any other. We head in a direction opposed to God when we start comparing our gifts to those Christ has given to others. As Jesus showed us, at times it is even appropriate and necessary to take time to rest. Each person has been given the tools for the task that God has called them to at that moment. It was so wonderful to hear each card creator receiving praise and encouragement from all the others. No making fun. No "mine is better than yours." At times it would be nearly silent as the concerns behind the cards were shared. At times ripples of laughter broke the calm surface and spread throughout the house. All in one accord working for a single purpose - sharing and speading God's love. It can't get much more Kingdom Like than that.

Friday, January 06, 2006

The Kingdom of Heaven is Like the WV Mine Tragedy

Please do not get the wrong impression from the title of this post. My hearfelt prayers have been lifted Heavenward for the families and friends of the miners who perished in this accident.

The waiting for news from the mine must have been tortuous. Not knowing what would be discovered when the miners were found. Then, in 20 minutes, from the misinterpretation of one side of a phone conversation the news was spread - most found alive! "Our loved ones are OK and we will see them soon." The bells rang, the laughter pealed, the hugs and tears and prayers filled the entire town. Then, within 3 hours, the awful truth that all but one was dead changed the laughter into threats of violence, the bells rang in mourning and the tears of joy were replaced by tears of grief and sorrow. "Praise God" became "Why, Lord?" But there were some, just a few, who said that it was not the time to be angry. It was not the time to cast blame. They must come together and make it through as one.

Some spiritual lessons can be seen, even in tragedies like this. As I watched the events unfold, I was reminded of my history lessons. In the days leading up to October 22, 1844, there was great uncertainty. Some were anxious. Some were dreading. All were waiting. As the time of the believed second Advent of the King of Kings drew near there was excitement and jubilation amongst those who were yearning for the event. Their Most Loved One was about to be reunited with them. But as the time came and went, the disappointment was palpable. Many, in fact most, turned away - some angry, some bitter, some disillusioned, all disappointed.

But there were a few who said, now is not the time to be angry, now is not the time to cast blame. We must come together and study the word so we can make it through as one. And they did and discovered that, as in the WV mine accident, there had been a communication misunderstanding. They thrilled at the thought that, Jesus still would come! It was not time for His return to earth, just a time for his role as our High Priest in Heaven to change.

How about you? Have you had deep dissapointments? Do you find yourself asking, "Why? What's the use?" My friend don't give up. Now is not the time. Why? Because, without a shadow of a doubt, I can tell you that Jesus is coming soon! And this time it really will happen! Are you ready?